
Easy foldable  cap for essential summer wear.

Easy foldable cap for essential summer wear.

Nicola’s Japanese Style Apron

Nicola wearing her Raw Denim, Japanese style cross back apron six months on, it is lovely and soft and gets better with every wash.

“It is so versatile I can wear it all day: in the garden, in the studio or in the kitchen.”

 Japanese style cross back apron with chatelaine pocket.

Japanese style cross back apron with chatelaine pocket.

Aprons At Cornercopia

Scobel Clothing has been working in collaboration with Anne Fairbrother in developing the ultimate all round workers Apron. A variety of Styles are now available at Cornercopia, Brixton Village market from £36

A selection of raw denim aprons available at Cornercopia Brixton Village market

Scobel Clothing featured in ‘Bias’

Scobel in Bias, Bellenden Rd, London


This week Scobel Clothing is featured in the Bias window 143 Bellenden Rd, London SE15 4DH
020 7732 3747.

Featuring ‘Denim Pinnafore’  from The Scobel England Range and bias cut wrap over dress exclusive to Bias.